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Музыкальная тема сегодняшнего обновления: Transylvito.

Ружья стреляют.
Древние стражи просыпаются.
Волшебники пытаются стать Титанами.
Но ты не сможешь произнести ни слова, когда тебя задушат.

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Y'know, I think I may have figured out one of Charlie's weaknesses, and it is one common to addicts and carnies. (I've know a few of both in my life.) He's cheap. He values his goods and service far more than they are worth, but he's reluctant to part with lucre of any form, even for something he wants. He's always smiling, but you know it's not genuine, and you know he's always wondering just what he can get out of you. And funny thing about cheap people; they know the price of everything, but often the value of things can be warped. That's gonna be his downfall here, I think. He's still thinking he can solve all this cheaply, despite all it has cost him so far.
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"Ruthlessness is not a lack of empathy, not by a long shot. Ruthlessness is an ability to assign a priority to empathy... most notably, one that is lower than the highest - and follow things through according to those priorities." (c)Nikitian
Похоже, Страга сошел с ума.
Страга начинает пилить фандом Erfworld. В надежде, что в процессе пиления идея фанфика по этому миру, наконец, проклюнется.
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