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Lados Онлайн
25 мая 2023
miledinecromant, я тут обрёл охуительную кетайскую биографию, которая на Эйриса бы легла, как влитая:
Gao Yang/Emperor Wenxuan of Northern Qi was a raging alcoholic who attacked people, including his own concubines and children, while drunk — and he was constantly drunk. He raped his sister-in-law based on the dubious claim his brother had raped Wenxuan's wife (though the brother was still a Jerkass even if the incident never happened). He was also a sex maniac who would have sex with multiple women at once. He raped every woman in his family. One concubine refused and he killed her with his own hands. He was Ax-Crazy when he was drunk, and his ministers set up a line of prisoners that would be brought out by guards for the emperor to kill. He even beheaded a woman for feeling sad about her husband's death. When one of his commanders died he blamed the man's lieutenant Lu Huili, had Lu killed by being cut open, and ordered the soldiers to eat Lu's internal organs. A man snubbed him, so Wenxuan had the man beaten to death then beheaded all twenty of his sons. During an argument with his mother Wenxuan accidentally raped her; when he sobered up he was so upset that he attempted suicide and his mother had to stop him. He finally died of alcohol poisoning at the age of 30.
