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26 апреля 2023
His fingers dug into her arm painfully and for an instant Dany felt like a child again, quailing in the face of his rage. She reached out with her other hand and grabbed the first thing she touched, the belt she'd hoped to give him, a heavy chain of ornate bronze medallions. She swung it with all her strength.
It caught him full in the face. Viserys let go of her. Blood ran down his cheek where the edge of one of the medallions had sliced it open. "You are the one who forgets himself," Dany said to him. "Didn't you learn anything that day in the grass? Leave me now, before I summon my khas to drag you out. And pray that Khal Drogo does not hear of this, or he will cut open your belly and feed you your own entrails."
Viserys was weeping, she saw; weeping and laughing, both at the same time, this man who had once been her brother.

"What did he say?" the man who had been her brother asked her, flinching.

Qotho seized the man who had been her brother by the arms.
She did take a dozen flasks of scented oils, the perfumes of her childhood; she had only to close her eyes and sniff them and she could see the big house with the red door once more. When Doreah looked longingly at a fertility charm at a magician's booth, Dany took that too and gave it to the handmaid, thinking that now she should find something for Irri and Jhiqui as well. (она не покупает, она просто берёт, потому что может)
The Usurper has woken the dragon now, she told herself … and her eyes went to the dragon's eggs resting in their nest of dark velvet.
(это она про себя, Визерис уже мертв примерно главу как)
забавная параллель:
“I beg of you, my prince …”
“I’m king now. Dog, get her out of bed.” – Sansa VI

“I … as … as you command, my lord.”
“Your Grace,” Joffrey corrected her. – Sansa VI

“I … I had not thought, my lord.”
“Your Grace,” he said sharply. – Sansa VI

“Princess …” he began.
“Why do you call me that?” Dany challenged him. “My brother Viserys was your king, was he not?”

“He was, my lady.”
“Viserys is dead. I am his heir, the last blood of House Targaryen. Whatever was his is mine now.”
“My … queen,” Ser Jorah said, going to one knee. – Daenerys X

Across the road, a girl no older than Dany was sobbing in a high thin voice as a rider shoved her over a pile of corpses, facedown, and thrust himself inside her. Other riders dismounted to take their turns. That was the sort of deliverance the Dothraki brought the Lamb Men.
I am the blood of the dragon, Daenerys Targaryen reminded herself as she turned her face away. She pressed her lips together and hardened her heart and rode on toward the gate.
This is war, this is what it looks like, this is the price of the Iron Throne

И это только навскидку, не разбирая довольно жутенькие моменты типа того, что история с наказанием Визериса была мотивирована тем, что он посмел подъехать вровень с Дынькой
