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Вавилон 5
24 мая 2022
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Обзорно-исторические заклёпки.
NASA Babylon 5 and the Amiga на канале Phil Kruman

The Amiga was more than just a games machine, it was a ground breaking graphics power house and a serious mission critical device for the NASA.
Lets take a look.
45 минут на кадр CGI, рендер-ферма из более чем 20 сильно прокачаных 2000'ных Амиг...
И яблочники, зажавшие документацию, которую попросила NASA.

The story of VFX, Commodore Amiga and Babylon 5 на канале VFX Geek

Babylon 5 is a 1993 space opera TV series, and one of the first television productions that used computers for visual effects creation. Have a look how one TV show and a desktop computer revolutionized VFX industry.

... Источники сообщают, что на производстве «Вавилон-5» работало 24 штуки Amiga 2000, шестнадцать из которых занимались только рендерингом. В каждой машине было установлено 32 мегабайта RAM, акселератор Fusion 40 и Toaster. Результаты рендеринга сохранялись по сети Novell на файл-сервер IBM PC 486 с массивом жестких дисков на 12 гигабайт. Докладывают, что рендеринг одного кадра видео для сериала занимал 45 минут.

Yes, Babylon 5 used LightWave, which at the time required the VideoToaster as it's key to enable the tool. They also used the Toaster for the video frame generation, single frame recorders for the 3D scenes, and some of the 2D Fx scenes. You can clearly see this if you get the remastered episodes of B5 on DVD where the film only scenes with actors are a clear 16:9, crisp and clean, progressive video source, but when the 3D graphics or video FX scenes come along, you see the 4:3 stretched to 16:9 and the de-interlacing effect where they used crummy scan rate converters when mastering the DVDs. I wish at the time, I know many Americans would bitch, that for these scenes, they left the images at the original 4:3 so we wouldn't have the zoomed in blurrier pixel effect. That annoying 4:3 interlaced mode and video effect is in all seasons on the remastered DVD boxset.

Babylon5 had a render farm with a ton of Amiga 2000s with RCS Management's Fusion 40 - 33Mhz which just prior to that time, I was contracted locally here by RCS management to solve their overheating issues which allowed them to jump from 25Mhz to 33Mhz. Competition PP&S 68040 40Mhz Amiga accelerators could not out perform RCS management's 33Mhz version when rendering in LightWave 3D since RCS had a smart adaptive ram controller with 31111-1111-1111-2 until a row change ras-cas cycle low wait-state which meant around 25% faster rendering than other 40Mhz 040s. Any code fitting inside the 040&40Mhz cache would outrun the 33Mhz version obviously, like, CPU dhrystones tests, but, we know that there aren't many real world applications which fit in the puny size of the 040's cache...

The separation of LightWave 3D from the toaster first was done with a hack called 'LightRave 3D'. Then, NewTek finally took the plunge and made a separate LightWave3D package with the new feature to render at film resolution, ie 2k, 4k, and output to deep color 35mm and 16mm film recorder formats of the time. (Yes, at the time, they ran a miniature B&W CRT with spinning RGB color wheel, scanning at below something like HORIZONTAL 100hz, vertical at a minute or so per frame and they achieved this insane resolution on super low grain 25 or 100 ASA film, which was like a movie film camera mounted on the other side. After repairing one, I never saw a CRT soooo slowly and smoothly perfectly scan an image, exposing 1 color at a time, 1 frame at a time.)
by BruanHG здесь.

Реклама на тему:
RCS Management's
Special Offer
for the 28 Mhz - 0 Megabyte Fusion Forty
This is the unit used exclusively to render the Babylon 5 project.
Used to render the graphics on the American Music Awards.
Chosen by NewTek for use in their rendering systems.
Used by Allan Hastings to develop LightWave 3.0
Used to develop Real 3D 2.0 in Europe.
Used to develop Animator Broadcast in Europe.
Compatible with all software adhering to Commodore's Standards.
Being used to render project " SEAQUEST ".
--Automatic software installation called Plug & GO.
--Handles up to 32 megabytes of RAM on board.
Configurations of 4, 8, 16, 20, or 32 megabytes.
--68040 to 68000 switch (External).
--1 year warranty.
--Thousands of hours of Reliable performance, field tested on major
--$695 US with 0 megabytes RAM.
--$175 US for each 4 megabytes of RAM.
70 ns page mode SIMMs of 1x8 or 4x8 modules.
--$33 for Shipping and Handling.
No custom or duties to be paid.
Telephone: (514)-871-4924
Fax: (514)-871-4926
Payment by Cashier's Check, credit card check only, or money order.
Shipment is for UPS Ground to the USA only.

#youtube #видео #история #ретрокомпьютеры
24 мая 2022
