

Войти при помощи

а. Речь идет о вундеркинде.
б. В литературе речь идет вообще о необычных персонажах.

Более того, если говорить про реалистичность, то вот вам Норберт Винер:
"After graduating from Ayer High School in 1906 at 11 years of age, Wiener entered Tufts College. He was awarded a BA in mathematics in 1909 at the age of 14, whereupon he began graduate studies of zoology at Harvard. In 1910 he transferred to Cornell to study philosophy.

The next year he returned to Harvard, while still continuing his philosophical studies. Back at Harvard, Wiener became influenced by Edward Vermilye Huntington, whose mathematical interests ranged from axiomatic foundations to engineering problems. Harvard awarded Wiener a Ph.D. in 1912, when he was merely 17 years old, for a dissertation on mathematical logic, supervised by Karl Schmidt, the essential results of which were published as Wiener (1914). In that dissertation, he was the first to state publicly that ordered pairs can be defined in terms of elementary set theory. Hence relations can be defined by set theory, thus the theory of relations does not require any axioms or primitive notions distinct from those of set theory."(ц) Англоязычная Википедия.

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И да, под "матаном" в интернетах имеется в виду вообще всякая математика за пределами школьной программы. Так уж повелось, хоть это и неправильно.

